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Friends, Updating here the recollected questions from June 2016 Exams. Wish you all the very best for your exam.


40 question from table in group of 5 question each

1 table for. M1 M2 M3
1 table for cash flow
1 table for balance sheet enàlysis
2 table abt human behavior
1 table correlation of coerifence
1 table union budget
1 table NPV
1 table Working capital
5 question on CRR balance sheet for two year given we have compute liabilities attracting crr,srr
5 question on computation (last two year expenture,revenues given ) of gross fiscal defict,net fiscal ddeficit,netprimary expenditure etc
5 question on computing correlatin,covariance,equation ,compute a & b etc

Laizzer fare economy
Repo rate
Co variance theory on correlation
Basel ii approach question on crr and slr calculations
Present value bond
Tangible net worth
compute current ratio
Gross working capital
Net working capital
Debtor turnover ratio
Compute TNL:TNW
2 question on computing gdp,gnp
what is repo rate
Maslow fifth need


Management by Objectives (MBO)

This is sought to be achieved through joint goal setting and the employee participation in the decisions that directly affect him. The objective of the MBO is to change the behaviour and attitude in respect of getting the results. It is a result-oriented system.

MBO Process
1. The organizational goals are first set and are clearly stated in measurable targets. These goals have to be realistic and achievable, although challenging.
2. The goal setting process is a joint process. The short-term performance goals are set jointly by the employees and their superiors.
3. There are frequent reviews of performance through one to one meetings.
4. Sharing of feedback in such meetings helps in altering the course of action, if required. It acts as a motivating factor as one gets to know where he stands through the feedback session.


Disadvantages of E-Learning

1. Relatively inflexible depending on a pre-produced programme
2. Requires greater self-discipline and commitment by the learner
3. May induce a sense of isolation
4. Does not permit personal reinforcement, therefore, the motivational effects are forgone
5. Can prove costly as expensive H1W and S/W are required


Taylor's scientific management consisted of four principles:

First. They develop a science for each element of a man's work, which replaces the old rule-of-thumb method.

Second. They scientifically select and then train, teach, and develop the workman, whereas in the past he chose his own work and trained himself as best he could.

Third. They heartily cooperate with the men so as to ensure all of the work being done in accordance with the principles of the science which has been developed.

Fourth. There is an almost equal division of the work and the responsibility between the management and the workmen. The management take over all work for which they are better fitted than the workmen, while in the past almost all of the work and the greater part of the responsibility were thrown upon the men.


Non-plan Expenditure
This is largely the revenue expenditure of the government, although it also includes capital expenditure. It covers all expenditure not included in the Plan Expenditure. A major part of the Non-Plan Expenditure is obligatory in nature, like interest payments, pensions, statutory transfers to States and Union Territories governments.

Plan expenditure
Plan expenditures are estimated after discussions between each of the ministries concerned and the Planning Commission.


Revenue deficit
Revenue deficit is when the net amount received (revenues less expenditures) falls short of the projected net amount to be received. This occurs when the actual amount of revenue received and/or the actual amount of expenditures do not correspond with predicted revenue and expenditure figures. This is the opposite of a revenue surplus, which occurs when the actual amount exceeds the projected amount.

Fiscal deficit
The difference between total revenue and total expenditure of the government is termed as fiscal deficit. It is an indication of the total borrowings needed by the government. While calculating the total revenue, borrowings are not included.


Training needs

SAT – The process
Training Need Analysis(TNA) and Identification of Training Needs
Preparation of a Training Plan
Conduct of the Training (including designing the programme)
Evaluation of the Training Programme and the plan (Reaction Level, Learning Level, Behaviour Level and Functioning Level)
Selection and Development of Trainers


Job Evaluation
Used to compare two jobs within an organisation or between organisations or even an industry. This is one important measure to determine the level of compensation package. A scientific job evaluation will ensure parity of compensation levels for similar or equal jobs. It also helps in distinguishing jobs in the level of complexity, skills required, the risk involved and link compensations accordingly. Job evaluation is a method of appraising the value or worth of one job in comparison to other jobs in the organization. The objectives are:

1. to determine the compensation rates
2. to link pay with the requirement of the job
3. to provide for pay differentials taking into account skills, efforts, hazards required in each job
4. to establish a compensation structure.

The process includes job analysis, job description and job specification. The job evaluation may also be useful for some other aspects in the organization, viz., manpower planning, performance appraisal, etc. The jobs are ranked according to the perceived difficulty and value addition they make. They are classified in groups based on skill intensity, difficulty, hazards, responsibility, experience required, etc. Once the jobs are ranked and classified it is easy to decide the level of pay for each job. The jobs which are considered more valuable to the organization than the one which are not so, will obviously carry more pay. Similarly the higher level of responsibility will command higher pay.


HRD as an approach to management of HR and as also a function, is based on the premise that employees should be provided with learning opportunities to enable the individual and the organizations to achieve their goals. The activities which relate to this area are:

(1) improved performance of individual on his present job;
(2) his preparation for an identified job in a not-too-distant future; and
(3) his general growth (development) not related to any specific job.

According to Nadler (1984) if these activities are not identified or separated, the learning can be less effective. For the purpose of facilitating communication, a label can be applied to each of these levels:

(1) Training is for learning related to present job;
(2) Education is for learning to prepare the individual for a different but identified job; and
(3) Development is learning for growth of the individual not related to a specific present or future job.


Performance Appraisal Methods

Traditional Methods
1. Free Form Essay Method
2. Straight Ranking Method
3. Comparison Method
4. Grading Method
5. Graphic or Linear Rating Scales
6. Forced Choice Description Method
7. Forced Distribution Method
8. Group Appraisal Method

Modern Methods
1. Assessment Centre Workshops
2. Management by Objectives
3. Human Asset Accounting Method
4. Behaviourally Anchored Rating Scales
5. 360 Degree Appraisal Method



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