Unit – 10 : Union Budget
1) Net Tax Revenue = Gross Tax Revenue (-) NCCD transferred to the National Calamity Contingency fund (-) States’ share
2) Total Revenue Receipts = Net Tax Revenue + Total Non- Tax revenue
3) Capital Receipts = Non- debt receipts + Debt Receipts
4) Total Receipts = Total Revenue Receipts + Capital Receipts+ Drawdown of Cash Balance
5) Financing of Fiscal Deficit : Debt Receipts + Draw-down of cash balance
6) Non- Plan Expenditure = Revenue Non- Plan Expenditure + Capital Non-plan Expenditure
7) Plan Expenditure = Revenue Expenditure + Capital Expenditure
8) Total Expenditure = Total Non-plan Expenditure + Total Plan Expenditure
9) Revenue Deficit = Revenue expenditure (-) Revenue receipts
10) Gross Fiscal Deficit is the excess of total expenditure including loans, net of recoveries over revenue receipts (including external grants) and non- debt receipts
11) Net Fiscal deficit = The gross fiscal deficit (-) interest payments
12) Net Primary deficit = Net fiscal deficit (– ) net interest payments
13) NCCD: National Council on Crime and Delinquency.