Friends, I am updating the re-collected questions from Nov 2017 posted by our group members. Let me update this page with the answer as and when I get time. Till then you all can go through the book/internet and update yourselves. Wish you all the very best for your exam.
System auditor software in CBS do what function?
Max Educational loan in india for priority sector?
14 year minor go to bank for cash collection by singning of his father? What bank do!
Change in product quality in which stage marketing cycle. 1.maturity 2.gwoing 3.decline 4.none
half nest 2 questions
max lending allowed for physical format of shares
basel 3 pillar 2?
supervisory review ka functions
adr,gdr trades in which currency
fiu-ind director kaun appoint kartha hain
which of follwing does sebi allows to participatory notes
who regulates inflation
interest rates
how net working capital calculated
parts of cpu
E or s acc, f or s main garnishee order ka one question
differnce between 7p,s and 4p,s of marketing
life stage of product
increase in crr affect on money market
fimmda regulations
NPA provisioning percentage for doubtful asset
credit card validity
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